Sabtu, 21 Januari 2012

Power4home Review: Get Free Power for Home Today

Would you like to get rid of those high power bills forever? It is now possible. This Power4home review brings you a review of the system that brings free power for home for you.


This program claims to give you free power for life. While this sounded too good to be true at the start, we admit that this is indeed possible. The review of Power4home brings out many great facts about this program. This free power program has all that you need to set up your own power source that provide you with unlimited power for life.

Is it possible to have unlimited free power?

Yes. This program gives you unlimited free power through two systems - solar energy and wind energy. Both these systems are very simple to understand and implemented. The step-by-step instruction guide provided with the program makes it a lot more easier to implement these sources of alternative energy.

Solar Power or Wind Power?

The Power4Home review team was confused about the choice of the method to be used. The makers of this program explained that the choice of the system depends on the place where you live. If you live in sunny areas where you have sunlight for a better part of the day, you should use solar panels. People living in windy areas can make good use of the power4home windmill system. A combination of both these systems is highly recommended if your budget allows this.

This program makes sure that implementation of both the systems - solar panels or windmills is easy and quick. The instruction manual takes you right from unpacking the apparatus to assembling the final components of the system in a structured step-by-step manner that is very easy to understand and work on.

About the program

This program has been created by John Russel who is himself an industry leader, an electrician and a home owner. During the course of his career he has worked on various sources of alternative energy. He finally arrived at detailed diagrams and steps for setting up solar panels and wind mills. John writes in a way that is simple to understand and implement. This program will be useful to you even if you are not a handyman and are not used to assembling such things.


After conducting this Power4home review, we were very impressed with the way this program works. Power4home is a must have for anyone who wants clean and free power for his home.

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Hojo Magnetic Motor - Use the HoJo Motor Plans to Build Your Own Electricity Generating Device

HoJo Motor Technology

While there has been a lot said about the HoJo Motor, it is worth noting that the technology used in this electricity generating device is based on the successful creation by one of the finest inventors of the last century, Howard Johnson who created a permanent magnetic motor generator which was the design for a perpetual motion machine.

Furthermore he dedicated most of his life to inventing a magnetic generator that could generate free electricity to power people's homes & appliances.

So the present day invention of the popular HoJo Motor, a free energy producing device that can be used in any household, owes a great deal to the pioneering discovery & work done by Howard Johnson who was the first to successfully patent such a device.

How Can the HoJo Motor Benefit You

The technology used in the design of this device was awarded 3 US Patents as the only machine that is able to produce free electricity.

This means that just about anyone who gets the HoJo plans can build their own machine to provide electricity to power their household or just certain appliances in their homes.

Furthermore the HoJo perpetual motion magnetic power plans are very easy to follow & the generator very easy to build & install yourself.

What this all means to you is that not only can your total dependence on the national grid be reduced, but you can make a significant saving on your electricity bill & save thousands of dollars a year.

How Does The Hojo Motor Actually Work?

Instead of utilizing just one set of magnets as in conventional magnetic rotors, this design makes use of two sets.

One of the key aspects to the successful operation of the motor is the exact positioning of these two sets of magnets - the stator set are fixed into a drum with the other set placed on the rotor.

So once the magnets are positioned & aligned correctly the motor can be started by spinning it & it will continue to spin on its own without any additional external power source.

This perpetual motion machine is then hooked up to a generator that will then produce electricity based on the energy created by the spinning motor.

Conclusion on Generating Free Electricity

The benefits of creating your own electricity to power your household & appliances are not only that you will be able to generate clean & free power, but importantly it will reduce your dependence on the grid & save you huge amounts of money on your electricity bill.

PS - Go to the following link to find out more about getting the plans for building this electricity generating device, which are not only easy to follow, but will show you how you can have your own HoJo Motor running successfully in just 2 days.

click here

Guide To Home Made Energy

The amount of fossil fuels such as coal, gasoline, oil, and wood is slowly being depleted as mankind utilizes it every day. In fact, scientists and scholars predict that the world will be completely stripped of all fossil fuels within a few decades. With this bleak forecast in mind, it is important that everyone turns their efforts towards finding a means of generating home made energy of some sort. Homemade energy is an important investment for the future of your family, as you want to avoid an energy crisis in the near future. If everyone did their part to generate energy through wind power, solar power, water power, or geothermal power, the energy crisis could be avoided and the world would be a much cleaner and better place. If you are looking into your own home made energy system, then you are doing the right thing. If you want to reduce your monthly costs, you should definitely consider one of these homemade energy systems. Not only can you help to protect the environment and make the world a better and safer place, but you will be reducing costs and making an investment in your future. Here are some reasons that you should consider your own home made energy: By generating your own energy at home, you will be consuming less fossil fuels. Seeing as we are all citizens of the Earth, we have the responsibility to protect it to the best of our ability. By using less of the natural fuels provided to us by the Earth, we can protect it and help it to last longer. Using less electricity from the electric company means that you are reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and harmful gases that are being released into the air every day. The electric company has to use natural gas, wood, nuclear fusion, and other forms of energy creation that release fumes into the atmosphere and damage the planet, but using home made energy can help to reduce the among of damage done. You will be able to save a good deal of money once you have your own energy system running. Rather than being forced to pay hefty electric and heating bills every month, you can simply generate your own electricity and spend your money where it is most needed. The energy that you can generate with your home energy system is nearly unlimited, which means that you can have as much energy as you want. Using solar panels won't "drain" the energy from the sun, and you can set up a massive solar power system that will generate enough energy for you to power your home and even sell the excess energy. Doing your part to protect the planet and conserve the environment is one of the most important responsibilities that you have, and you will find that these home energy systems are some of the best tools you have at your disposal to do so. While it will be an initial investment, you will find that buying one or more of these home energy systems will save you money in the long run.

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